with apologies


PhD viva, UK style -

Part II Projects -

Post-COVID19 TPC experience -

Hosting HotCRP -

Zen and the Art of Research Management -

Fame and Fortune! -

Actual HCI Papers! -

Taking it to the People People -

I Think Someone Else Is Also Following Me... -

I Think Someone's Following Me... -

Talks, Old and New -


Rescuing a Shattered Nexus 4 -


ARMing LinuxKit -

Docker Docker -

Building Up Your ARMs -

Grubbing Around -


`nmcli` connection to internal WiFi -

PhD viva, UK style -

Local Knowledge -


`just` OCaml -

Reverse `find` -


Stop, Start -

Reinstalling `maestral` -

Setting up a Macbook -

Spring Loading Karabiner in the Autumn -

Lab GitLab -

Customising Homebrew service -

Of Mice and Keyboards -

A 21st Century IDE -


Actual HCI Papers! -

I Think Someone's Following Me... -


OCaml operators -

Software folklore -

Data visualisation links -

Falsehoods -


Quelle dommage -

ARMing LinuxKit -

Docker Docker -

Building Up Your ARMs -

Evolving the Unikernel Revolution -


Stop, Start -

Spring Loading Karabiner in the Autumn -

Of Mice and Keyboards -


A 21st Century IDE -


Grubbing Around -


Actual HCI Papers! -

Taking it to the People People -

I Think Someone Else Is Also Following Me... -

I Think Someone's Following Me... -


Google screening -


Google screening -


`nmcli` connection to internal WiFi -

Discovering `restic` -

NixOS channels -

OneDrive and NixOS -

Hosting HotCRP -

Tarballing some files -

Renovating an old media PC -

Wipeout -

Quelle dommage -

Grubbing Around -


ARMing LinuxKit -

Building Up Your ARMs -


Setting up a Macbook -

Back to the Future -

Spring Loading Karabiner in the Autumn -

Customising Homebrew service -


Zen and the Art of Research Management -


Quelle dommage -

Evolving the Unikernel Revolution -

Fame and Fortune! -

Moving Onto Mirage -

Begin, Again! -


Stop, Start -

Debugging Electron apps -

Reinstalling `maestral` -

NixOS channels -

OneDrive and NixOS -


Local Knowledge -


Platforms, Packaging, Progress— Addendum -

Platforms, Packaging, Progress -


`just` OCaml -

Platforms, Packaging, Progress— Addendum -

Platforms, Packaging, Progress -

Begin, Again! -

A 21st Century IDE -


Discovering `restic` -

Debugging Electron apps -

Reinstalling `maestral` -

NixOS channels -

OneDrive and NixOS -

WSL2 / Windows 11 -

OCaml operators -

Software folklore -

Hosting HotCRP -

Tarballing some files -

Data visualisation links -

Renovating an old media PC -

Discord discord -

Setting up a Macbook -

Falsehoods -

Wipeout -

Back to the Future -

Quelle dommage -

Docker Docker -

Lab GitLab -

Google screening -

Customising Homebrew service -

Debugging with jQuery -


Platforms, Packaging, Progress— Addendum -

Platforms, Packaging, Progress -


PhD viva, UK style -


Post-COVID19 TPC experience -

Hosting HotCRP -


Local Knowledge -


Workshopping, across the universe -


Renovating an old media PC -

Rescuing a Shattered Nexus 4 -


PhD viva, UK style -

Fontsizing in LaTeX -

Introducing `bibtox` -

Retreat from TUM -

Workshopping, across the universe -

Fame and Fortune! -

Actual HCI Papers! -

Taking it to the People People -

I Think Someone Else Is Also Following Me... -

I Think Someone's Following Me... -

Talks, Old and New -


Post-COVID19 TPC experience -


Stop, Start -

Debugging Electron apps -


Part II Projects -


`nmcli` connection to internal WiFi -

`just` OCaml -

Reverse `find` -

Fontsizing in LaTeX -

`just` LaTeX it! -

Introducing `bibtox` -

Stop, Start -

Discovering `restic` -

Debugging Electron apps -

Reinstalling `maestral` -

OneDrive and NixOS -

WSL2 / Windows 11 -

Discord discord -

Setting up a Macbook -

Wipeout -

Back to the Future -

Quelle dommage -

Spring Loading Karabiner in the Autumn -

Platforms, Packaging, Progress— Addendum -

Platforms, Packaging, Progress -

ARMing LinuxKit -

Lab GitLab -

Building Up Your ARMs -

Evolving the Unikernel Revolution -

Grubbing Around -

Of Mice and Keyboards -

Rescuing a Shattered Nexus 4 -

Moving Onto Mirage -

Diamonds are a Chap's Best Friend -

Looping the Loop -

Begin, Again! -

A 21st Century IDE -


Retreat from TUM -

Rat Racing Jetlag -


Quelle dommage -

Evolving the Unikernel Revolution -

Fame and Fortune! -

Moving Onto Mirage -

Begin, Again! -


WSL2 / Windows 11 -