with apologies

Setting up a Macbook

Richard Mortier · January 01, 2020 · #old #macos #config #tech

This is the set of things that I roughly did to set up my old new Macbook: configurations, packages, etc. Not guaranteed complete, but hopefully captures much of it.


Homebrew packages

# install packages
brew install                                    \
  aspcud                                        \
  aspell                                        \
  bash-completion                               \
  coreutils                                     \
  direnv                                        \
  emacs                                         \
  evernote                                      \
  ffmpeg                                        \
  font-hack-nerd-font                           \
  gawk                                          \
  gcc                                           \
  get_iplayer                                   \
  ghostscript                                   \
  git                                           \
  git-lfs                                       \
  gnupg2                                        \
  gnuplot                                       \
  gpg-agent                                     \
  graphviz                                      \
  imagemagick                                   \
  jq                                            \
  lua                                           \
  mu                                            \
  ncftp                                         \
  nmap                                          \
  ocaml                                         \
  offlineimap                                   \
  omnigraffle                                   \
  opam                                          \
  python                                        \
  python@2                                      \
  qemu                                          \
  rcs                                           \
  readline                                      \
  rsync                                         \
  socat                                         \
  sshfs                                         \
  telnet                                        \
  tmux                                          \
  unrar                                         \

# install casks
brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
brew cask install                               \
  adium                                         \
  disk-inventory-x                              \
  docker                                        \
  dropbox                                       \
  emacs                                         \
  evernote                                      \
  font-hack-nerd-font                           \
  get-iplayer-automator                         \
  google-backup-and-sync                        \
  google-drive-file-stream                      \
  gpodder                                       \
  inkscape                                      \
  iterm2                                        \
  karabiner-elements                            \
  keepingyouawake                               \
  keybase                                       \
  mactex                                        \
  mp3tag                                        \
  musicbrainz-picard                            \
  omnigraffle6                                  \
  onedrive                                      \
  osxfuse                                       \
  sharepod                                      \
  signal                                        \
  slack                                         \
git lfs install --system # enable `git-lfs` system-wide
mu index --rebuild # rebuild `mu` index
opam init # initialise `opam`


grep Location Library.xml | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g' | sort | \
  grep -iv "\.\(mp[34]\|m4[av]\)" | grep http | cut -b 28- | \
  cut -f 1 -d"<" > PODCAST.URLS

## [OCal](https://github.com/mor1/ocal)

opam install -y ocal