with apologies

Local Knowledge

Richard Mortier · March 11, 2016 · #cambridge #nottingham #pubs

A relatively long hiatus this time – blame the Cambridge housing market and the need to simultaneously act both incredibly quickly and mind-numbingly slowly. Also obtaining a College Fellowship and experiencing a Company Acquisition were considerable (interesting, welcome) distractions… :)

As an interim measure, and because I’ve been asked relatively frequently over the last few months, I thought I’d collect some local knowledge^Wopinion, garnered over many long hard years of hanging about in both Cambridge and Nottingham. What follows should be viewed as indicating nothing more than my lack of imagination.

Both Cambridge and Nottingham are blessed with many fine pubs, as well as several truly terrible ones. Less said about the latter the better. But among those that I like, and will occasionally drag various people to (including the SRG) are, arranged roughly in geographical order from the Computer Lab to the Station:

I don’t get out to the villages as often as I’d like now, but The Green Man, Grantchester, The Blue Lion, Hardwick and especially The Red Lion, Histon are (or were last time I went) all excellent too. The latter is still possibly my favourite pub anywhere in fact.

I only spent a few years in Nottingham, and it’s a Proper City unlike Cambridge, so I can’t claim to have tested it thoroughly. However, places I did visit fairly regularly in Nottingham, Beeston, and Wollaton that I certainly enjoyed include:

So there you go. Some opinions if relatively little knowledge. YMMV. Etc.

(PS. If I know you, I’ll also be happy to give recommendations of solicitors, builders and other house-associated professionals too. And a couple of warnings.)