with apologies

ARMing LinuxKit

Richard Mortier · June 02, 2017 · #tech #linuxkit #arm64 #docker

As some may know, following the Unikernel Systems acquisition, I currently do contract work for Docker Inc. in addition to my day job here at the Cambridge University Computer Laboratory. Recently this has centred on LinuxKit, “A toolkit for building secure, portable and lean operating systems for containers” and, specifically, enabling ARM64 support. I’m pleased to say that a basic proof-of-concept is now complete, and we’re working towards getting support merged upstream.

The proof-of-concept was developed using the great ARM64 support provided by packet.net, on one of their type 2A boxes.

If you fancy trying it out, then hopefully the following instructions will be of use – or just bug me on the packet.net Slack!


Start by getting an ARM64 box setup. If you have one to hand, great! If not, you could head over to packet.net and create type 2A Ubuntu box to use as a build environment.

Then clone the source, either git clone my dev branch, or see https://github.com/linuxkit/linuxkit/pull/1654 for the open PR which may be a bit more stable.

The essence of it then is to build the containers based off aarch64/alpine, along with an ARM64 version of the moby CLI if needed. Specifying the container images you just built in your moby.yml file will then cause moby to assemble things that should boot on ARM64.

The output should be a gzipped kernel, currently slightly misleadingly named bzImage as well as a suitable initrd.


Setup another ARM64 box on which to boot the results. You could setup a type 2A packet.net box once more, but this time set it to custom OS and iPXE boot. For the iPXE boot URL, give a URL pointing to a suitable boot file. I use:

set kernel-params ip=dhcp nomodeset ro serial console=ttyAMA0,115200 earlycon earlyprintk=serial,keep initrd=arm64-initrd.img
initrd ${base-url}/arm64-initrd.img
boot ${base-url}/arm64-bzImage ${kernel-params}

Note that, currently at least, the packet.net iPXE boot only occurs on the first boot as it is assumed that the iPXE boot will install a working image to the local disk. Thus, if it doesn’t work first time, get an SOS console and break in by hitting ^B at the appropriate moment, before issuing chain URL where URL points to your iPXE boot file.


This just does the barest minimum for now – I did say it was a proof-of-concept… :) Work is currently ongoing to upstream this rather than developing this PoC further, but if anyone has a particular interest or would like to provide patches to, e.g., support network devices on packet.net, please get in touch, file an issue or send a pull request!